After a 14 hour flight, the second-grade teacher and student group successfully arrived at their destination. An enthusiastic crowd rushed to greet them. The friendly family and the teachers of the various education communities have been waiting at the airport - everyone holding hand-painted name cards and some carrying gifts. Although they have been in contact for a long time ,meeting face-to-face to give handshakes and hugs for the first time is a very special moment for everyone.
The five months of study and life as a Canadian student has begun. Your life is about to move quickly!
Five months will pass quickly, but for students it plays an indispensable role in their personal development. The language, academics, and university planning that will follow will be fueled by the many many experiences of the five month stay. It is hoped that all of the students will cherish their Canadian experience. In the new cultural they will learn how to communicate effectively with others, share some of their Chinese culture with Canadians, and become more independent and that this transition period in Canada will better prepare them for future study abroad.
On another note, short term study allows students to gain independence and experience in a new culture and avoids the risk of being unprepared for the challenges they may face in their university study abroad.
飞驰吧,少年!| 加拿大修学之旅正式开始
On January 27, 2019, the 11th short-term study students of Soochow University High School Sino-Canada program officially began its journey to Canada.
Let me introduce some background knowledge of the short-term studies:
As in the past years, the students will spend five months in Canada to study and live with local students. After they finish their studies in Canada, they will return to Soochow University High School Sino Canada Program to complete their high school studies. The immersion experience is arranged by the Nova Scotia and New Brunswick International School Program of the Department of Education.
All the students who are participating in the program will study at local public high schools and stay with their host Canadian family. Students attend a public high school with one to three of their classmates from China. Each student lives independently with their host family. This arrangement ensures that each student must use their English skills as they are living in an English only environment, and it helps the students to integrate into the local community and family activities. They can experience the local culture, and avoid speaking Chinese to other Chinese students.
All of the students are enrolled in their local community public high school where other students from Soochow University High School studied in the past. Their classmates and teachers will help them to quickly start their studies and integrate into the school and community where they are living.
Friendly family:
Most students have contacted their friendly family through email and text long before leaving China. Although they go to study as a member of the Sino-Canada program, they quickly become welcomed members of the school and the community where they live. The students are a little nervous, but mostly excited for the adventures they will have with their new friends and host family.
For many students this may be the first time they have left their parents, friends and country to live alone for so long. Contacting the friendly family before leaving their home helps to answer questions and ease their nervousness. Parents also appreciate the communication with the host family, letting their children live and study in another country without them can be scarey.
Starting today, the students embarked on a journey of adventure and personal growth they will remember forever. We wish all students a successful journey and happy adventures!